Embrace Companionship
Befriending Services
Befriending services typically match volunteers with individuals who are in need of social support and can provide regular visits or phone calls.
”We have a client who once enjoyed an active social life, visiting many friends. However, her failing eyesight has left her unable to drive and go out. Her family reached out to us for support, asking if we could drive her to visit friends, accompany her on shopping trips, and provide companionship during the day to reduce her isolation. Since we began offering this support, our client has become more social and less lonely, significantly improving her wellbeing.” – Mary, Volunteer.

Benefits of Befriending
and Companionship
Research indicates that social isolation and loneliness can adversely impact the physical and mental health of older adults. Befriending and companionship services can alleviate these feelings, enhancing mood and overall quality of life. Besides the social benefits, these services offer practical support with tasks like grocery shopping, transportation, and home maintenance, enabling older adults to maintain their independence longer.
At Aplus Befriending, we’re passionate about providing the companionship and support that you or your loved one deserves in Manchester. We invite you to experience the difference our Care Professionals can make in your life. Get in touch with us today to schedule a personalized consultation, and let us create a tailored companionship plan that suits your unique needs and preferences. Reach out to Aplus Befriending today!