Frequently Asked Questions
What is Befriending?
Befriending is a service that provides support and friendship to older people who may be feeling lonely or isolated. Befrienders can offer face-to-face, telephone, or online contact with an older person on a regular basis.
What are the Benefits of Befriending?
Befriending can help reduce feelings of social isolation and loneliness, improve mental and physical health, increase confidence and self-esteem, and enhance the quality of life of older people.
What service does a befriender provide?
Our befriending service is currently able to offer telephone befriending.
Our trained befrienders will contact you over the telephone or through an online messaging service for a friendly chat. Calls are usually weekly. We also offer a monthly check & chat service for those who appreciate light touch support and a pen pals option if you prefer to keep in touch by writing.
Face-to-face befriending may be available in areas where we have a local Aplus Communities Service center. Face to face befrienders visit your home on a regular basis at a time that is convenient to both the volunteer and yourself.
A typical visit could include a sit down with tea and cake followed by a chat about your lives, or maybe you’ll chat while you play cards.
The content of the visit is entirely up to you but the befriender will always provide a listening ear. We can also signpost you to other support services if needed.
Who can be referred to our befriending service?
Anyone can refer an older person to the service - yourself, family members, GPs, health visitors, nurses or even a next-door neighbor. Please ensure that you have the permission of the person being referred.
Our service is aimed at every person and calls are intended to be conversational. We support anyone with a variety of needs but please be aware that the aim of the service is to reduce loneliness and isolation. Our volunteers are given full training, but are not able to provide specialized support or counseling.